Yogi government started “e-investigation scheme”, there will be digital survey of farmers’ crops.

As is common knowledge, Uttar Pradesh is a predominantly agricultural state. Up to 75% of the population of Uttar Pradesh is dependent on agriculture. Farmers in the state also raise fruits, vegetables, and flowers in addition to traditional farming. As a result, Uttar Pradesh leads the way in the production of potatoes, wheat, and wheat. However, because of rain and flooding, farmers previously had to deal with a number of issues related to crop loss, but this is no longer an issue. Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, has launched a unique program to aid farmers. Farmers will now receive compensation if their crops are lost on schedule.

Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, has launched the Digital Fasal Survekshan e-Pantal Yojana to boost agricultural income and offer benefits from subsidies and programs. This program will help all of the state’s farmers. You must read this post in its entirety if you are an Uttar Pradesh farmer and want additional information about the E-Padtal Yojana.

Objective of E-Investigation Scheme

Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister, launched the e-investigation program with the primary goal of obtaining a list of the state’s crops. so that the state’s government can determine how much land is planted with which crops. When the government has collected crop data, it will be simple to compensate farmers immediately in the event that their crops are destroyed by natural disasters. In addition, farmers’ incomes will rise and a digital crop survey will be carried out so they may take advantage of the scheme’s perks and subsidies. in order to benefit as many farmers as possible. As a result of the losses caused by natural calamities, farmers will no longer experience any problems of any type because they will be given compensation for the crop in time.

E- investigation survey will be done in 54 districts

The E-Padal Yojana, which was inaugurated by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, is unique in that it will test Kharif crops twice. A campaign will be run for this from August 10 until September 15. 21 districts will be questioned as part of the initial e-survey. Crops in 54 districts will then be surveyed in the second phase. The Uttar Pradesh administration would do this by creating four committees at the district and tehsil levels of the state, each of which will be led by the Chief Secretary.

Framework will be made in 6 points

In the state, there are 350 tehsils spread across 75 districts. Following data collection, 31002 accountants will execute the e-investigation scheme using the data from 35,983 clusters. Each cluster will be provided with images of crops, their location, and other pertinent data. Tehsil Master Trainers and District Master Trainers will each be identified in each district of this survey. These trainers will receive training in Lucknow following this. so that he can adequately do his duties.

Benefits and features of e – investigation scheme Uttar Pradesh

  • In Uttar Pradesh, the E-Padtal Yojana has been launched to safeguard farmers’ crops from weather-related harm.
  • The government will enhance farmers’ incomes through this program and offer benefits from subsidies and other programs.
  • A computerized survey of the crops grown by state farmers will be carried out as part of the e-investigation plan.
  • Starting with this Kharif crop, digital crop surveys will be conducted.
  • The same method will also be used to conduct a digital survey of forthcoming Rabi and Zayed crops.
  • Farmers would have quick and simple access to compensation if natural disasters harm their crops.
  • Farmers won’t experience financial issues as a result of losses from natural disasters.
  • The E Investigation Scheme will be implemented by the state government in stages.
  • Beginning on September 15, campaigns will be run as part of the first phase of this program.
  • In the first phase, 21 districts will be surveyed, and in the second phase, 54 districts.
  • At the district and tehsil levels, master trainers will be created who will train other trainers.
  • All trainers’ IDs have been created for this purpose by NIC.
  • The government will gain access to crop data through the e-investigation program, and a plan will also be developed on how to boost revenue.
  • Using this plan and all available data, the farmers will now receive the advantages of the programs.
  • The MSP of crops can also be calculated using this statistics.
  • Farmers’ incomes will rise thanks to the E-Padtal Yojana, which will also boost

How to apply under E-Padtal Yojana 2023?

Inform farmers who want to apply for the e-investigation scheme’s benefits that they are not required to do so for farmers in Uttar Pradesh. Because master trainers in each district of the state and tehsil master trainers in each tehsil will take photos of crops, their locations, and crucial information. Following that, the farmers will receive the benefits of the schemes, grants, and prompt compensation to the farmer brothers in case of crop loss based on all the information obtained.

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